Trust a Roadside Assistance Service if Your Trailer Needs to Be Towed

Common Reasons Large Trailers Need to Be Towed

While semi-trucks are tough and rarely have serious problems on the road, you may need semi-roadside assistance service at some point. This issue usually occurs when your truck or trailer breaks down unexpectedly or has other problems while you’re on the road. Here are three of the most common scenarios in which you might need professional assistance.

Heavy Winds

Semis have a high profile and may be vulnerable to certain weather-related issues. Due to its unique high profile, it is common for a semi-truck to encounter heavy wind problems. According to, a 35-mile-per-hour wind can put a shocking amount of pressure on a trailer, and one gust of this wind can put 3,440 pounds of force on a truck. This could cause the truck to trip or even damage the truck as it rides, necessitating a little towing assistance to stay strong.

Dangerous Weather

Truck drivers typically shift into lower gear, slow down, and maintain a steady speed when the weather turns bad with rain, snow, and other problems. However, for some drivers, that option is only sometimes available, and they may be involved in a crash even if they maintain a reasonable speed. Semi-roadside assistance will be extremely helpful in this situation. It will prevent you from being stranded in a dangerous storm with no one to assist you.

Problems With Operation

Finally, semi-trucks may require assistance if they experience operational difficulties. While most semi-trucks are built to last for years with no major problems, they can fail anytime. It is common for some vehicles to experience engine failure or even suspension or wheel problems while on the road. These problems are more common in older vehicles and require roadside assistance and towing to prevent your trailer from becoming dangerous.

Need a roadside assistance service in Morgantown, PA? Reach out Kenny's Towing for the job. Call our towing service at (610) 255-7325 now!

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